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Areas to target for spring cleaning

Couple cleaning at home

Couple cleaning at home

Winter is gone, the temperature is rising, flowers are blooming, and it’s time to do the annual spring cleaning. I have tips on how you can tackle this ritual, but for this edition, let’s focus on areas that need extra care and attention.

Put your gloves on and let’s get started!

First Area: The Kitchen

With the holidays gone and past, it’s time to give your kitchen a good, intensive cleaning. Aside from making sure every nook and cranny of the room is rid of dirt and grime, give your appliances some TLC as well.

  • The stove: If you are the appointed chef of the family, you know you used the stove a lot the past season. Examine its knobs and give it a good clean to remove any build-up.
  • The microwave: Leftovers leave a mark on the microwave, too! Instead of scrubbing, douse the food platter with a mixture composed of 2 tablespoons of vinegar and 1-2 cups of water. After five minutes, wipe it with a clean and damp towel.
  • The refrigerator: In addition to removing weeks-old food, expired condiments, and other perishables, wipe the shelves with a damp cloth.

    Turn off the appliance and also allow the freezer to defrost. Once the ice has melted sufficiently, you can use a spatula or a scraper to remove the ice. Give it a good wipe after you plug the refrigerator back in.

  • The sink: You don’t need to wait for spring to clean the sink. You should wipe it with a dry cloth after you wash the dishes. If you find some stench wafting up from the drain, drop a couple of orange or lemon peels with water to clean the pipe and leave it smelling fresh.

Second Area: The Bathroom

Water stains and scum buildup can be hard to clean. Here are a couple of tips to help you make your bathroom pristine once again.

  • The shower door: Shower doors, especially those made of glass, are prone to hard water stains. Remove these by using a mixture made of liquid soap and baking soda. Once the solution is thick, spread it in the glass using a gentle sponge. Let it sit for a minute or two, then scrub the dirt off.
  • The bathtub: Save yourself plenty of time by making it a habit to clean it with vinegar a couple of times a week. It doesn’t have to be intensive. Spray, let it sit, then wash it off with water. On weekends, use a bathroom cleanser.
  • Tiles and fixtures: Don’t want to go through the hassle of polishing these every now and then? After giving these a good scrub, polish all of them with wax. This will protect the bathroom tiles and all these handles and knobs from hard water stains and soap buildup.

My Bog is at your Disposal

You can find everything here, from spring cleaning tips to more about real estate in Cleveland, Ohio. If you’d like to learn more, connect with me today at michellemcquade(at)howardhanna(dotted)com or 440-823-2448.

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